Team members
Permanent members
Nicolas Magain
Nicolas Magain is an assistant professor in the Department of Biology, Ecology and Evolution, and part of the InBioS research center. He is the head of the Evolution and Conservation Biology unit. His research interests range from lichens phylogenetics and metagenomics to conservation biology.PhD Students
Anne-Laure Geboes
Anne-Laure is studying bioacoustics and conservation of the Corn bunting (Bruant proyer, Emberiza calandra) in Belgium and Europe. She is also involved with teaching activities in the specialized master in conservation biology and biodiversity management.Elise Lebreton
Elise is a FRIA PhD student who is working on systematics and ecology of lichens, fungi and bacteria growing on leaves in tropical forests.Lucie Lelotte
I am a FRIA PhD student keenly interested in spatial ecology, habitat selection and conservation biology. As part of my thesis, I am studying how anthropogenic development and associated landscape changes are affecting reindeer habitat use, movements and demography, in collaboration with Bram Van Moorter (NINA, Norway).
Lea Mouton
My name is Lea Mouton, I am half a PhD student with Alain Vanderpoorten as main supervisor and half assistant to Nicolas Magain. In addition to organizing the logistics for the specialized master in conservation biology and biodiversity management, I support the students in their naturalistic journey and in their meetings with the various actors of the conservation of nature throughout their master’s. The aim of my PhD project is to assess the drivers and the patterns of land plants distribution in Macaronesia across taxa and scales. I also enjoy participating in side projects that include abroad fieldworks and epiphytic ferns, as a continuity of my master thesis.Master students
Laurent Gohy
Laurent is managing the molecular lab. He is a real pro in everything DNA extractions and PCR. He also has some duties with the herbarium, contributing to the management of collections
Ludovic Sottiaux
Ludovic is actively involved in teaching botany and conservation to the students of the specialized master in conservation biology and biodiversity management.
Alumni PhD Students
Antoine Simon
Antoine successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled 'The multi-organismal nature of lobarioid lichens: phylogenetic and transcriptomic studies on photomorphs' in October 2020.Alumni Master Students
Margaux Vanhussel (2021)
Master thesis with main advisor Miriam Liedvogel 'Assessment of ecological factors influencing the winter habitat suitability of Erithacus Rubecula across Europe through ecological niche modeling'.Juliette Scheuer (2021)
Master thesis with Christophe Dehem 'Exploitation des perchoirs par la Pie-grièche grise (Lanius excubitor) en milieu fagnard sur le Plateau de Saint-Hubert (Wallonie)'Héloïse Keller (2021)
Master thesis with Camille Fraissard (Association de V.I.E.) 'Détermination de la prédictibilité des profils des chiens de protection de troupeaux Français'.Marie Gillis (2021)
Master thesis with Natagora (Gerhard Reuter) 'Evolution de la population de Tarier des prés (Saxicola rubetra) dans la Vallée de la Roer et perspectives d'avenir pour l'espèce'.Laura De Wandeleer (2021)
Master thesis with Yves Laurent (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) 'Influence de paramètres environnementaux et météorologiques sur l'activité des chiroptères dans un parc éolien en Région wallonne par suivi saisonnier - Le cas du parc de Mesnil-Saint-Blaise.'Sophie Clesse (2021)
Master thesis with Claude Dopagne (Natagriwal) 'Suivi des mouvements de rhopalocères dans les prairies humides à haute valeur biologique des régions de Saint-Vith et de Bastogne'.Alyssa Kolkman (2020)
Master thesis with Natagriwal 'Evaluation de l'efficacité des bandes fleuries à favoriser les insectes pollinisateurs, en particulier les papillons de jour, via l'étude du butinage.' (September 2020) Advisors: C. Dopagne & N. Magain.Elise Dewaele (2020)
Master thesis with Natagriwal 'Evaluation de la diversité floristique des prairies en MAEC 'MC4 - prairie de haute valeur biologique' en Wallonie.' (September 2020) Advisors: J. Piqueray & N. Magain.Alexis Balthazar (2020)
Alexis studied the biogeographical history of Peltigera using population genomics tools. In particular, he compared the genetic diversity of temperate and boreal populations in two species of Peltigera.Affiliations
Evolution and Conservation Biology Unit, ULiège
InBioS Research Center, ULiège
Faculté des Sciences, ULiège