Collecting field trip in Parc National de Guadeloupe for Elise's thesis
Two weeks collecting lichens and leaves
Lucie got a FRIA PhD fellowship!

FRIA fellowhsip to work on spatial ecology, habitat selection and conservation biology of reindeers in Norway
A video in French presenting the ULiège Herbarium

Strong synergies are being developed among University's collections
The herbarium is highlighted on the new website of the University museums

Strong synergies are being developed among University's collections
Field course in Romania

Finally back to the field with students
Talks at IAL9

My talk and talks from the lab at IAL9
Field campaign in Guadeloupe funded!

A big step forward for Elise's thesis
Two publications about me and a radio interview on the University of Liège website

Because if you don't talk about yourself, who will?
Prix de l'Adjudant Hubert Lefebvre

Presented by the Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium
Elise got a FRIA PhD fellowship!

FRIA fellowhsip to work on diversity of microorganisms on leaves
Bilateral project Taiwan-Belgium with Ko Hsuan!

Funding to work on lichen and bryophyte microbiomes in Taiwan!
Antoine's PhD defense

Antoine successfully defended his PhD thesis!
Now an assistant professor

Starting a position at the University of Liège!
New Paper on phylogeny of Ramalinaceae

Our team contributed to a new paper on the phylogeny of fruticose Ramalinaceae
Festschrift for Emmanuel

Festschrift for Emmanuël Sérusiaux (special volume of Plant and Fungal Systematics)
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